
I’ve mentioned Mint before, but it’s only now I’ve bought it for a domain I run that I realise what a supreme example of programming it is. It looks good, is easy to use, does the job fantastically, and is fully extendable. What more could we ask for?

Huge kudos is due to Shaun Inman, and the wonderful team of Pepper-writers (see here for more details).

User input validation patterns…

There’s an interesting article here about validating user input, and the usability implications of doing so. It outlines several methods (I suppose they could be classed as patterns) of doing this and notifying – or not notifying – the user.

This was found through Harry Fuecks article on Sitepoint, where he says that there’s no real alternative to regular expressions. He’s right, of course, and over the last couple of years my use of regexp’s has increased so much that rarely does a day go by when I’m not messing about with them. However I’ll be referring to the list of “validation patterns” (as I’ll call them) as it provides a useful reminder of the different ways that user input can be handled.

Accessibility – an idiots guide…

As previously mentioned, I needed a place where I could easily get all the information I need to make sites accessible. This is that place. Here I’ve linked to very useful, and in some cases definitive, website from some of the worlds greatest accessibility gurus so that I – and hopefully you – can get everything you need in one place.

I will treat this entry as being always open for editing.

Tables should be used for tabular data, not for layout. As Roger Johansson explains, there’s a lot more to accessible tables than just rows and cells.

Acronyms are very useful, and in increasing use – especially when talking about technology. How do you make sure that everyone knows what that string of letters means? Why, by scoring the A List Apart hat-trick, of course.

All web applications have forms – sometimes many of them. Forms can be really complex, but with the WebAIM accessible forms tutorial, you’ll be forming (geddit?) perfect forms in no time.

Accessibility links