Songs written for the 2020 12 Song Challenge.
January (Epiphany songs): We Feel The Calling
February (theme songs): We Your People
March (Lent songs): Meet Us In This Wilderness (Faithful God)
April (songs of solace): There Was A Day
May (communion songs): Bread Of The World
Jazz version (with my dad on piano):
June (living room songs): King Of Heaven
Just a chorus, an idea for an all-age song.
July (justice songs): God Of The Broken
August (women in scripture): Jesus, In You I Found My Freedom
An idea based on the story of Mary Magdalene, who probably suffered with mental health problems.
September (gaps in three): Down All The Years (Give Us A Song)
October (mental health songs): God My Father
The beginnings of an idea.
November (thankfullness): For The Sun (Give Thanks)
Kate Bluett wrote the first verse, I wrote the rest.
December (family worship): Wouldn’t Life Be Boring (Tapestry)
Sorry about the quality of recording.