WordPress, WordPress MU and BuddyPress plugins

Most of the sites I develop are built on the wonderful Wordpress platform. Its advanced plugin architecture means you can extend the software to do pretty much anything you want a website to do.

I've written a series of plugins for Wordpress which I'm happy to give away, in the hope that firstly they may help someone like me, and secondly that people who need a Wordpress guru will find me.

So, without further ado, I give you my Wordpress plugins:


Check Email

Check & Log email allows you to test if your website is correctly sending emails . Overriding of email headers and carbon copying to another address.

Child Themes

Create a child theme really easily from any installed theme.

Database Browser

Demo Data Creator

Demo Data Creator is a Wordpress and BuddyPress plugin that allows a Wordpress developer to create demo users, blogs, posts, comments and more.

Performer – JavaScript without the code

Personal Welcome

Personal Welcome is a Wordpress plugin that allows site administrators to create and send personalised welcome messages to new users.

Plugin Register

For Wordpress plugin developers: keep a register of when and where your plugins are activated.

Secure Invites for WordPress MU

Secure Invites is a Wordpress plugin that allows you to only allow invited people to sign up.

Simple User Admin

Simple user admin is a WordPress MultiSite plugin that gives site administrators a simpler interface to manage blogs and users.

Sitewide Newsletters

Sitewide Newsletters is a Wordpress MU plugin that allows site administrators to send an email message to all users.

Theme Reset

Resets the theme for all sites in a MultiSite network.

VoucherPress – a WordPress plugin for creating downloadable, printable vouchers

VoucherPress is a Wordpress plugin that allows you to give downloadable, printable vouchers/coupons in PDF format away on your site.


Wibstats is a Wordpress plugin that gives each blog in a Wordpress, Wordpress MU or BuddyPress installation their own visitor statistics.

WordPress Theme Browser

Show off the themes available for blogs in your Wordpress MultiSite with a simple shortcode in any post or page.

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