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GIve Thanks For The Lord Is Good

  • Tags:
  • Gratitude
  • Praise
  • Psalms
  • Victory

Songwriters: Chris Taylor

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Based closely on Psalm 136, this song is in 7/4 time. I understand this is a challenge, so I’m planning to do a 4/4 version as well.


Verse 1
Give thanks for the Lord is good
(His love endures forever)
Give thanks to the God of gods
(His love endures forever)
Give thanks for His miracles
(His love endures forever)
Give thanks for the Lord is good
(His love endures forever)

Verse 2
Give thanks for His victory
He brought the mighty to their knees
Lifted up the broken ones
Given us a perfect home

Chorus 1
He made the heavens and the earth
Threw the stars into the sky
Placed the earth among the waters
He made the sun to light the day
And the moon to watch the night

Verse 3
He is near when we are weak
Saved us from our enemies
All good things come from Him
Give thanks to the God of heaven

Chorus 2
He brought us out of slavery
Made a pathway through the sea
Led his people through the desert
The world has seen that God alone
Is the King upon the throne

Verse 4
Give thanks for the Lord is good
Give thanks to the God of gods
Give thanks for His miracles
Give thanks for the Lord is good