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Your Heart Is For Me

  • Tags:
  • Doubt
  • Faith
  • Weariness

Songwriters: Chris Taylor

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I wanted to write a song which recognised the busyness of life, and the doubt and uncertainty many people experience. This was inspired by Jesus’ words from Matthew 10. Keiko Ying and Dave Forrey from the 12 Song Challenge gave a lot of help with lyrics.

Chloe Rose was kind enough to sing on this recording, for which I am very grateful.


When the work to be done is unending
And I’m worn with relentless days
When I'm aching to find any peace of mind
My life in disarray
With the dark closing in and the worry within
I am yearning to be set free
I believe that your eye watches every sparrow
And I know that your heart is for me

When each step that I take is a challenge
And I’m fighting to hold my ground
When I feel on my own, weary to my bones
With turmoil all around
Though the battles are hard, when I'm broken and scarred
Then I trust you will never leave
For I know that your eye watches every sparrow
And I know that your heart is for me

When I struggle to see you are with me
And surrounded by waves of doubt
When my vision is blurred and you can’t be heard
I long for solid ground
When the storm thunders on, when the wind is too strong
Though I'm lost on a raging sea
If it’s true that your eye watches every sparrow
Then it's true that your heart is for me

Yes, it's true that your eye watches every sparrow
And it's true that your heart is for me