Back into the swing of things…

So, here wa are again. The holiday officially over, work officially started. But before I get into the nitty-gritty of web stuff again, can I draw your attention to a few pictures of Guernsey, which is where we’ve just been for a few days. It’s beautiful, as you can see, and full of nutters who like jumping off rocks (hi to Adam, Brad and Jason).

On to other matters. This post got me thinking about attitudes towards many things, not least of which is faith and software design (which are spiritual and mental equivalents, which I’ll explain about soon). This quote…

If you’re interested in creating passionate users, or keeping your job, or breathing life into a startup, or getting others to contribute to your open source project, or getting your significant other to agree to the vacation you want to go on… congratulations. You’re in marketing.

…says it all. I am in marketing, because I want to connect people to my stuff. Whether that stuff is software, images or music, I am a marketer. I have stuff, and I have a potential marketer. I am the person in the middle who makes the connections happen.

The differences between old-school marketing and neo-marketing (modern attracting) couldn’t be more pronounced, and totally shift the focus from the marketer to the market. I like that, I like that a lot. I may end up saying a lot more about that very soon.