So said someone, I forget who. I was tempted to put “If you’re not living on the edge, you’re talking up too mushroom”, but it’s not quite as thought-provoking!
Anyway, the ever-excellent Creating Passionate Users team have turned their attention from the user to the developer. More specifically, the person in a technology company who has great ideas but management stifles them. Kathy Sierra calls it death by risk-aversion, and I know exactly what she means.
Do you have an idea? Or several? I do – all save in my Ideas Book (now important enough to me to warrant being spelled in capitals). Working for a large company the chances of any of my ideas actually becoming reality are pretty remote. Remote but not impossible; it’s happened before.
But, at least for the time being, all my wild ideas have to either fester in thought form in my Ideas Book, or be made real in the few spare moments I have. Who knows, maybe one of those ideas could one day make me a million.