
Words from the wise…

Some people may say I’ve been wasting my time today, listening to hours and hours of speeches given by some of the web’s most influential people (available here) from the Web Design World conference 2004 in Boston, USA. I don’t, I consider listening to what other people in this industry have to say very important.…

On the world, it’s people, and me…

The recent awful happenings around the Indian Ocean have brought many people of many different nationalities and cultures – even long-time enemies – together in a concerted effort to help those that are now in dire need. This is fantastic, although we all see how great the need is, and how long it will take…

A Merry Christmas…

I have heard it said that the best presents are those you buy yourself. While I don’t think this is entirely true, in some cases there are occasions that we all set our hearts on something. Going and getting that thing is, therefore, a time for celebration. Things are even worse when you’re a geek…

Christmas cheer (and Christmas beer)…

What a joyous time of year this is. The shops are bursting with gaudy tat and over-tired people with over-stretched credit card limits. The weather hasn’t let us down, at least here in the North of Englandshire. It’s been cold and rainy for weeks. And we’ve got another month (at least) of frankly stupid people…

Day off…

I have had a day off today. Not that you could tell, I’ve spent most of the day inside a friends computer, or wrapping myself around a hard drive upgrade for his SkyPlus box. I have another day off tomorrow, but I have planned to design a flyer and business card advertising my wares, and…

From social media