I’ve just read this fantastic article by Richard MacManus and Joshua Porter in which they talk about the “paradigm shift” happening on the web currently to turn it from a series of website islands to a true interconnected world of data. Those connections are brought about through, mainly, XML technologies. And my favourite microformat, RSS, makes several appearences.
I could go on for hours about this article, the number of references to things that have been bubbling in my mind for a while is truly staggering, but I’ll just recommend you read it. Actually, I’m not just recommending it – you have to read this article. I’ll expound on a few areas I’m particularly interested in that they talk about over the next few days, no doubt.
As a little aside, Richard is from New Zealand and Joshua is from the USA. I wonder if they have ever met? Not that it really matters, it just goes to show how the web is changing communication in the world.