LEGO office equipment

In May 2020, as every year, I attended the wonderful All Day Hey conference. This year, due to The Pandemic Situation, the conference couldn’t be held in the wonderful Yorkshire city of Leeds, instead it was online. The attendees were encouraged to post pictures of where they were attending the conference from, and I was embarrassed by my lunchbox laptop stand.

My desk with my laptop sitting on a lunchbox, which I used as a makeshift stand

I could have ordered a proper stand online, but thought I could make one instead. Out of Lego. Because why not.

Everyone here loves Lego, right? Of course we all do. It’s perfect for building office equipment. Here’s the finished product, just visible underneath my laptop:

My desk, featuring my laptop stand made out of Lego

I have to be honest, I’m a massive Lego fan. I don’t get much chance to dabble these days, but when I do I remember just how much I enjoy it – Technical Lego especially. Here you can see how I constructed the stand to ensure it provides a stable base:

My laptop stand made out of Lego

And if we look a little closer at the back, you can see the stand has springs to help sit the laptop better. I did plan on making the height adjustable, but this is good enough for now.

Detail of the rear of my laptop stand made out of Lego

Of course I needed minifigs to guard my laptop! I chose Batman and the Terminator, because nobody would mess with them, right?

Mini Batman guarding my laptop stand made out of Lego

And I incorporated a simple cable tidy into the stand:

The cable tidy for my laptop stand made out of Lego

Overall I’m pretty pleased. As a beta product I think it works well, but I would like to investigate how difficult it would be to make the height and tilt angle adjustable. That will have to wait for another day, though.