Someone clever once said something like “If you build some software, think about how it could be used maliciously. Because it will.” Make that malicious stuff hard to do, and easy to reverse.

RT @WebDevLaw: If you hated cookie popups, you’re going to love how the UK is mandating age verification onto any site or service which could conceivably be accessed by any fragile British flower under the age of 18.

RT @Politics_co_uk: ? Why the online safety bill threatens our civil liberties “A sweeping eradication of our personal privacy, our data security, and our civil liberties.” By @WebDevLaw

RT @feather: Yesterday was “officially” #GlobalAccessibilityAwarenessDay. Remember: people’s disabilities aren’t defined by a calendar. The point isn’t to bring awareness of accessibility on that ONE day… it’s to build on it EVERY day moving forward. #accessibility #a11y #inclusion